22–23 May 2024
Sarova Woodlands Hotel
Africa/Nairobi timezone
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Technological advancement in library and information services

22 May 2024, 16:00
Sarova Woodlands Hotel

Sarova Woodlands Hotel

Nakuru, Kenya
Paper Presentation Technological advancement in library and information services KIC #2024.B


Zipporah C. Rop


Technological advances have radically changed how modern libraries operate. Technology is offering libraries a new world of opportunities to engage users and influence how information is gathered, stored, organised, retrieved, and consumed and holds great promise for improved access and maximum utilisation of information resources for quality, teaching, learning and research output. For such to be achieved, there must be a shift from the traditional ways of accessing information to the modern way, which entails using ICTs and applying digital information literacy skills. The integration of technology into library and information services presents numerous opportunities for enhancing access and utilisation of digital resources. However, the adoption of these technological advancements faces several significant challenges, such as financial constraints, skills gaps, lack of ICT policies, unstable power supply, and insufficient bandwidth. The objectives of the study will be to investigate the integration of digital resources into the library, to establish and develop the gaps which focus on digital information, and to establish and implement clear and comprehensive ICT policies that guide the integration of technology into library services. A literature review was used as a methodology to collect data. The key findings which will significantly impact how libraries operate and transition to online dissemination of information and will necessitate libraries to remodel their information delivery services. Libraries have embraced open access initiatives, subscription of electronic resources, building digital content of library resources, remodelling library spaces remote access, virtual reference service, online orientation and information literacy, among others.

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