22–23 May 2024
Sarova Woodlands Hotel
Africa/Nairobi timezone
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Knowledge sharing practices among librarians at the Kenya National Library Service : a case of selected branches

23 May 2024, 15:40
Sarova Woodlands Hotel

Sarova Woodlands Hotel

Nakuru, Kenya
Paper Presentation Knowledge Management in library and information centres KIC #2024.D


Ednah Okenyuri Omare (United States International University-Africa)


Unlike in the past, public libraries are now a force to reckon with, a force for societal change that calls for new ways of offering services. With an embrace of different knowledge-sharing activities, public libraries can create a comfortable environment that will enable librarians and other key stakeholders to contribute and benefit from the growth of a solid national knowledge-sharing network. The study aimed to investigate knowledge-sharing activities among librarians at the selected branches of the Kenya National Library Service. This study employed the descriptive research design utilizing the case study method that aimed at collecting in-depth information from respondents. A purposive sampling technique was used to select the four KNLS branches from different counties: Nairobi, Nakuru, Kisii and Nyeri, targeting 60 respondents. The four branches were chosen based on purposive sampling because they were the preferred target to expand the level of knowledge from the respondents to achieve the stated objectives of the study. Data collection was done using a questionnaire with both closed and open-ended questions. The data was analysed using descriptive statistics methods to calculate, describe and summarize collected data in a logical meaning way. The findings of the study showed that collaboration technology is incorporated into knowledge sharing, often interaction through discussions and debates, and the preferred social media platforms were WhatsApp and YouTube.

Primary authors

Ednah Okenyuri Omare (United States International University-Africa) Dr Cephas Odini (Moi University) Dr Duncan Amoth (Moi University)

Presentation materials