22–23 May 2024
Sarova Woodlands Hotel
Africa/Nairobi timezone
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Green libraries as champions of sustainable development goals in Kenya

23 May 2024, 15:25
Sarova Woodlands Hotel

Sarova Woodlands Hotel

Nakuru, Kenya
Paper Presentation Sustainability and Green Libraries KIC #2024.D


Dr Arnold Mwanzu (Aga-Khan Unviersity)


Sustainable development has become a global priority as societies recognize the need to address environmental degradation, social inequality, and economic challenges. The UN member states endorsed the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) to transform the world by 2030, covering economic development, social development and environmental conservation. Libraries in developed countries promote education, literacy and environmental sustainability, which are central to achieving several SDGs, such as quality education (Goal 4), gender equality (Goal 5), reduced inequalities (Goal 10), responsible consumption (Goal 12) and Climate change (Goal 13). There is a knowledge gap in the initiatives by Green Libraries in Kenya towards sustainable development. The study sought to establish the role of green libraries in Kenya in championing UN SDGs. A descriptive research design and mixed-methods case study approach was adopted. Interviews were conducted with Head librarians from 12 green libraries purposively selected from a target population of 227 professionally qualified head librarians in Kenyan Libraries. An observation checklist was used to complement interviews. Framework analysis was the mode of data analysis used in line with the interpretivism paradigm that formed the pillar of the research. Findings showed that green libraries in Kenya have emerged as champions of sustainable development goals by embracing green initiatives in recent years. Further, the study established that through various environmentally friendly practices, libraries serve as educational and cultural hubs and catalysts for change towards a greener, more sustainable future. Green libraries have expanded their reach beyond traditional user education by embracing digital literacy and technological innovation. The study concludes by highlighting that Green libraries serve as beacons of hope and inspiration, demonstrating that small-scale actions can significantly impact the path towards a sustainable future. As the world strives for a greener and more inclusive society, libraries in Kenya will play a pivotal role in championing sustainable development. While green libraries have been explored globally, this study's focus on Kenya specifically highlights how Kenyan libraries are implementing green initiatives and contributing to SDGs. This localized approach allows for a deeper understanding of the challenges and opportunities unique to the Kenyan context.

Primary authors

Dr Arnold Mwanzu (Aga-Khan Unviersity) Dr Emily Bosire-Ogechi (Moi University) Dr Damaris Odero (Moi University)

Presentation materials