22–23 May 2024
Sarova Woodlands Hotel
Africa/Nairobi timezone
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Innovation and transformation in school libraries : a systematic review

22 May 2024, 16:15
Sarova Woodlands Hotel

Sarova Woodlands Hotel

Nakuru, Kenya
Paper Presentation Technological advancement in library and information services KIC #2024.B


Angela Njeri Macharia (Nova Pioneer Educational Group)


In the fast-growing educational environment, school libraries meet difficulties in keeping abreast of technological progress and remaining applicable in instituting innovation and teaching modern skills. This research is designed to determine the role of technology in school libraries and the extent of its influence on library productivity while paying attention to the challenges and opportunities as a result of the adoption of innovation in these frameworks. A systematic review of 40 articles published between 2013 and 2023 was conducted exhaustively to analyse the literature. Both case study and quantitative methodologies were used, mainly from different disciplines, to reflect the multiple aspects of innovation and change in school libraries. Some of the fields of exploration included maker spaces, library redesign, the changing job role of the school librarian, and problems like the digital divide and the issue of unequal resources. Moreover, it was necessary to look at how virtual resources and digital technology have been integrated and the impact that this has had on the library dynamics. The paper emphasises the importance of the collective efforts of educators, policymakers, and those involved in the development and innovation of school libraries. Suggestions consist of lobbying for innovation, availing funds to projects targeting improved library resources and technology, and working on joint efforts to level the field. Through investment in innovations and addressing the existing challenges, school libraries can be reconstructed to become modern learning environments where students are actively engaged in 21st-century education.

Primary author

Angela Njeri Macharia (Nova Pioneer Educational Group)

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